
How to Remove Underline When Typing in Mac

Do you find the underline feature on your Mac distracting? Wondering how to turn it off while typing?

This article explores why some people want to remove the underline feature on Mac and provides step-by-step guides on how to do it.

We’ll also discuss alternative options, benefits, drawbacks, and conclude with valuable insights.

Whether you’re looking to improve aesthetics, typing speed, or reduce distractions, this article has got you covered.

Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways:

  • Removing underline on Mac can be done through keyboard shortcuts, system preferences, or third-party apps.
  • Alternatives to removing underline include changing font style, using a different text editor, or turning off autocorrect.
  • Benefits of removing underline include improved aesthetics, faster typing speed, and reduced distractions, but there may be drawbacks such as potential typos and difficulty identifying links.
  • What Is the Underline Feature on Mac?

    The underline feature on Mac is a visual indicator that signifies possible spelling errors or corrections in text.

    When you type text on your Mac, the underline feature automatically scans for any words that may not be in its dictionary. If a word is detected as misspelled, it is underlined in red to draw your attention to it. This feature is designed to assist users in identifying and correcting spelling mistakes as they type.

    The underline interacts seamlessly with the auto-correction system on Mac. When you right-click on a word with an underline, options to correct the spelling or add it to the dictionary will pop up. This allows for quick and convenient correction of errors without interrupting your workflow.

    In many macOS applications, you can find the underline feature in the Edit menu under the spelling and grammar check section. This indicates that the feature is integrated system-wide, providing consistent support for users across various applications.

    Why Do Some People Want to Remove the Underline Feature?

    Some users may wish to disable the underline feature on Mac due to its interference with typing flow, inline predictions, or issues in specific applications.

    One of the main reasons why users opt to remove the underlining in their text is the impact it has on the typing experience. The underlines can disrupt the fluidity of typing by visually breaking up the text as users input their content. This interruption can be particularly bothersome when users are trying to focus on writing without unnecessary distractions. The underlines can clash with inline text predictions, leading to challenges in accurately selecting the intended words as they are suggested.

    How to Turn off Underline When Typing on Mac?

    To turn off the underline feature when typing on Mac, users can access autocorrect settings in System Preferences and utilize keyboard shortcuts for quick adjustments.

    Navigate to the Apple logo on the top left corner of your screen and click on ‘System Preferences’. Next, select ‘Keyboard’ and then ‘Text’.

    1. Here, you will find the ‘Correct spelling automatically’ and ‘Automatically capitalize words’ options, which can be unchecked to disable autocorrect features that may be causing the underlining.
    2. You can use the handy Mac keyboard shortcut Cmd + ; to quickly toggle autocorrect settings while typing, providing a seamless workflow.

    Using Keyboard Shortcuts

    One method to disable the underline feature is by using specific keyboard shortcuts on Mac that allow users to bypass autocorrect suggestions and underlines while typing.

    By utilizing these shortcuts, Mac users can tailor their typing experience to better suit their needs.

    1. To disable autocorrect suggestions, simply press Command + ; simultaneously while typing. This action prevents unwanted corrections from interrupting your flow.
    2. For turning off underlines, the Command + U shortcut comes in handy. With just a quick key combination, users can focus on typing without the distraction of underlined words suggesting corrections.

    Changing System Preferences

    Users can customize their autocorrection settings in Mac’s System Preferences to adjust the behavior of underlines and spelling corrections according to their preferences.

    Once in System Preferences, users can navigate to the ‘Keyboard’ section, where the ‘Text’ tab holds a myriad of autocorrection options waiting to be explored. Here, users will find the ability to toggle autocorrection on or off, add new shortcuts, and even specify custom text replacements for frequently mistyped phrases. By diving into these settings, users can fine-tune their writing experience on Mac to be seamless and efficient. In addition, users can also manage the ‘spelling’ section under ‘Keyboard’ to further refine their autocorrection preferences.

    Using Third-Party Apps

    In some cases, users can opt for third-party applications that offer advanced autocorrect functionalities, allowing for more comprehensive control over underlines and spelling corrections on Mac.

    These third-party apps not only provide the option to disable autocorrect entirely but also come with expanded dictionaries, customizable settings, and the ability to fine-tune autocorrect algorithms to match individual preferences. By utilizing these tools, users can mitigate the frustration caused by inaccurate autocorrections and avoid the inconvenience of constantly correcting spelling errors.

    Specific third-party apps catered towards professionals in various fields, such as writing or coding, offer specialized dictionaries and terminologies to enhance the accuracy of corrections in industry-specific applications. This granular control ensures that autocorrect functions seamlessly across different software environments, addressing any inconsistencies or limitations present in native Mac settings.

    What Are the Alternatives to Removing Underline on Mac?

    Rather than removing the underline feature, users can explore alternatives such as using inline predictive text or adjusting the display of underlined words through the Text tab.

    Another productive way to manage underlines on Mac is by diving into the system preferences. This can be done by navigating to the System Preferences menu on your Mac device, followed by selecting the Keyboard option. Once in the Keyboard settings, customize the word underlines by adjusting the settings in the Text tab. This method allows for a more tailored approach to how underlines are displayed across different applications.

    Changing Font Style

    Users can modify the font style settings on Mac to adjust how words are displayed, potentially reducing the prominence of underlined text and capitalizing specific words for emphasis.

    When altering the font style, individuals can customize the appearance of texts in various applications on their Mac computers. By making these adjustments, the visual impact of underlined elements can be minimized, providing a cleaner and more streamlined reading experience. Users have the option to capitalize certain words within their text, drawing attention to key terms or phrases. This method enhances the overall readability of the content, making important points stand out more effectively. Implementing these changes can significantly improve the visual presentation of written materials on Mac devices.

    Using a Different Text Editor

    Exploring alternative text editors on Mac can provide users with varying options for managing underlines, especially when dealing with specific text boxes or applications that pose challenges.

    Regarding Mac users looking for a solution to customize their typing experience and resolve underline-related issues, there are several noteworthy text editor options available. One popular choice is Sublime Text, known for its powerful features and extensive customization options.

    Another practical option is Atom, which offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of plugins to enhance the typing experience.

    For those seeking a lightweight text editor with a minimalist design, BBEdit is a reliable option that also provides robust text editing capabilities.

    Additionally, Visual Studio Code is a versatile choice that supports multiple programming languages and offers an array of extensions to tailor the typing environment to individual preferences.

    Turning off Autocorrect

    Disabling the autocorrect feature altogether on Mac can be a comprehensive solution to eliminating underlines by preventing the system from suggesting replacements for misspelled words.

    When autocorrect is disabled on a Mac, it not only stops the annoying underlines that appear under certain words but also gives you full control over what you type.

    One of the significant impacts of turning off autocorrect is that it allows you to maintain your spelling dictionary based purely on your entries without any interference from the system. This can be particularly beneficial if you work with technical terms, jargon, or any specialized vocabulary that is often mistakenly corrected by the autocorrect feature.

    What Are the Benefits of Removing Underline on Mac?

    Removing underlines on Mac can lead to improved aesthetics, faster typing speed, and reduced distractions during text composition.

    One of the primary advantages of eliminating underlines on Mac is the significant enhancement in the visual appeal of the text. With underlines removed, the overall look of the document becomes cleaner and more professional, making it easier to read and understand.

    The absence of underlines can greatly improve typing efficiency as it eliminates the need to manually navigate around underlined text. This streamlines the writing process, allowing for quicker and more fluid composition without interruptions.

    By minimizing distractions caused by underlines, users can focus more on the content they are creating, leading to higher quality output and increased productivity.

    Improved Aesthetics

    By removing the black underlines associated with text corrections in Yosemite, Mac users can achieve a cleaner and visually appealing text composition environment.

    The subtle change in the underlines from black to a lighter shade not only creates a more modern aesthetic but also reduces visual clutter on the screen, allowing users to focus on the content they are creating. Text editing becomes more seamless and user-friendly, enhancing the overall editing experience. The removal of the black underlines aligns with Apple’s design philosophy of simplicity and elegance, making the interface more pleasant to work with for long hours.

    Faster Typing Speed

    Users can experience a boost in typing speed on Mac by eliminating underlines through efficient use of keyboard shortcuts or leveraging the intuitive Touch Bar functionality for autocorrection adjustments.

    By removing underlines and utilizing these time-saving features, users can significantly improve their productivity when typing on a Mac. With the proper utilization of keyboard shortcuts, such as Command + Z for undo or Command + S for save, tasks that would typically require multiple mouse clicks can be accomplished with a simple keystroke. The Touch Bar on newer Mac models provides a dynamic interface that adapts to different applications, offering quick access to frequently used commands and tools.

    Reduced Distractions

    Eliminating underlines on Mac can reduce distractions caused by constant spell-check indications and offer a smoother writing experience, especially when utilizing custom spelling dictionaries.

    By turning off underlines, users can focus solely on their writing without the interruption of red squiggly lines under misspelled words. While spell-check is essential, it can sometimes hinder creativity and flow. Custom spelling dictionaries play a crucial role in this process, allowing users to add industry-specific terms or unique names that may not be recognized by the standard dictionary.

    The absence of underlines can also encourage writers to trust their language skills and instincts, rather than relying on immediate corrections. This practice can lead to a more organic and authentic writing style, well-suited for various types of content creation.

    Are There Any Drawbacks to Removing Underline on Mac?

    While removing underlines on Mac can offer benefits, potential drawbacks include increased risks of grammar errors, difficulty in identifying links, and limited options for customization through spelling pop-up menus.

    One major challenge of eliminating underlines on a Mac is the heightened risk of overlooking typos or grammatical mistakes, as the absence of this visual cue may lead to missing errors that would have been easily caught with underlined text.

    Without underlines, distinguishing clickable links within a body of text becomes more arduous, which can be especially troublesome for individuals with visual impairments or when quickly scanning through lengthy content.

    The removal of underlines can limit the user’s ability to customize their viewing experience since certain Mac applications rely on underlines as part of their interface design, leaving little room for personalization.

    Potential Typos

    One drawback of removing underlines on Mac is the increased likelihood of typos and misspelled words, which may require manual correction or reliance on the Learn Spelling feature for assistance.

    In situations where underlines are absent on Mac systems, users might encounter difficulties in immediately spotting misspelled words within their texts, leading to potential errors in their writing. This can be particularly challenging, especially in longer documents or when in a rush to complete tasks efficiently.

    To address this issue effectively, users can resort to manual correction by carefully proofreading their content or utilizing the Learn Spelling functionality present in many text editing applications on Mac. The Learn Spelling feature can help users by suggesting corrections for common typos and misidentified words, ultimately enhancing the overall quality and accuracy of their written work.

    Difficulty in Identifying Links

    Users may face challenges in identifying clickable links without underlines on Mac, especially in web browsers like Chrome that rely on visual indicators, requiring alternative methods or shortcuts for link recognition.

    One useful way to overcome this hurdle is by leveraging browser features like ‘tabbing,’ where users can navigate through clickable elements on a webpage by pressing the ‘Tab’ key. This method allows individuals to move from one link to another sequentially, making it easier to identify each clickable item.

    Increasing the mouse pointer size or enabling ‘Shake mouse pointer to locate’ in accessibility settings can enhance the visibility of links, making them stand out more prominently on screen.

    Limited Options for Customization

    The removal of underlines on Mac may limit customization options related to spell-check settings, especially for system-level configurations or the usage of custom spelling dictionaries that rely on visual indicators for corrections.

    Without underlines, users might face difficulty in identifying misspelled words in documents, impacting the overall accuracy of written content. This can be particularly challenging when working with technical terms or unique names that may not be recognized by standard dictionaries.

    The absence of underlines could also affect the integration of assigned keywords and entities for context. Customized spell-check dictionaries, often utilized to enhance accuracy and efficiency, might not function optimally without the visual cues provided by underlines.


    Managing the underline feature on Mac OS X, including considerations from previous versions like Yosemite, plays a crucial role in balancing grammar accuracy and user preferences.

    One key aspect to keep in mind is the default behavior of underlining in text editors and word processing software. Mac OS X allows users to adjust the underline settings according to their visual preferences, offering a range of customization options.

    In newer versions of Mac OS X, such as High Sierra and Mojave, the underline feature has been refined to enhance the overall readability of text, especially when dealing with different font styles and sizes.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How to Remove Underline When Typing in Mac?

    To remove the underline when typing in Mac, follow the steps below:

    1. Go to System Preferences and click on “Keyboard.”
    2. Under the “Text” tab, uncheck the option for “Correct spelling automatically.”
    3. Next, click on “Substitutions” and uncheck the box for “Smart links.”
    4. This will prevent any automatic underlining when typing on your Mac.

    Can I remove the underline for specific words only?

    Yes, you can. Instead of unchecking the option for “Correct spelling automatically,” you can go to the “Text” tab and click on “Spelling and Grammar.” From there, you can add specific words to your “Ignore” list, and they will not be automatically underlined when typing.

    Is there a way to change the color of the underline when typing in Mac?

    Unfortunately, there is no built-in option to change the color of the underline when typing in Mac. However, you can use a third-party app like Grammarly, which allows you to customize the underline color and style.

    Why is there an underline when I type on my Mac?

    This is a feature called “Smart links” that is designed to automatically underline and link web and email addresses for easy access. However, if you find it distracting or unnecessary, you can turn it off by unchecking the box for “Smart links” under the “Substitutions” tab in your Keyboard settings.

    Can I still use the spell check function without the underline?

    Yes, you can. By unchecking the option for “Correct spelling automatically,” you are only disabling the automatic underlining feature, but you can still manually check and correct spelling errors by right-clicking on the word and selecting the correct spelling from the suggestions.

    How can I undo the changes and revert to the default settings?

    If you want to re-enable the automatic underlining feature, simply go back to your Keyboard settings and check the box for “Correct spelling automatically” and “Smart links” under the “Text” and “Substitutions” tabs, respectively. This will revert your Mac to its default settings for typing and spell check.

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