
How to Underline in Windows 10

Have you ever wondered how to underline text in Windows 10? Whether you’re working on a document, email, or any other type of writing, knowing how to format your text can make it more visually appealing and easier to read.

In this article, we will walk you through the steps to underline text in Windows 10 using different methods. We will also explore other ways to format text, such as bolding, italicizing, and changing font styles.

So, let’s dive in and enhance your text formatting skills!

Key Takeaways:

  • Underlining is a text formatting feature in Windows 10 that adds a line underneath selected text.
  • To underline in Windows 10, you can use keyboard shortcuts, the formatting toolbar, or the font dialog box.
  • Other text formatting options in Windows 10 include bold, italics, changing font size and style, text color, creating lists, aligning text, and inserting hyperlinks.
  • What is Underlining in Windows 10?

    Underlining in Windows 10 refers to the practice of highlighting text by adding a line underneath it for emphasis or readability.

    One significant aspect of underlining in Windows 10 is its versatility across various programs and applications. For instance, in Notepad, underlining can play a crucial role in emphasizing key points or headings within a text document. By simply selecting the text and applying the underline formatting, users can draw attention to specific information quickly and effectively.

    The use of underlining can significantly enhance the visual presentation of text content, making it easier for readers to scan through information. In a presentation created using PowerPoint in Windows 10, underlining can be employed to highlight key terms or phrases, aiding in reinforcing key concepts for the audience.

    Consider a scenario where you are drafting an email in the Mail application on Windows 10, and you want to ensure that the call-to-action section stands out. By underlining the specific action you want the recipient to take, you can make it more prominent and increase the likelihood of it being noticed and acted upon.

    How to Underline Text in Windows 10?

    To underline text in Windows 10, you can utilize the Alt-Underline keyboard shortcut in programs like Notepad.

    In programs like Notepad, the use of keyboard shortcuts can significantly boost productivity. To underline text using Alt-Underline, first select the text you want to emphasize. Then, hold down the Alt key on your keyboard and simultaneously press the Underline key. This combination will apply the underline formatting to the selected text.

    It’s a quick and efficient way to enhance the visual impact of your text without the need to navigate through menus or use a mouse. This handy shortcut can save valuable time, especially when working on documents that require frequent formatting changes.

    Step 1: Select the Text to be Underlined

    The initial step in underlining text in Windows 10 involves selecting the specific text or items that you want to emphasize.

    Accurate text selection is crucial to effectively apply underlines to your content.

    In Microsoft Word, you can easily select a word by double-clicking on it, a sentence by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on it, or a paragraph by triple-clicking within it.

    When using a touchpad or trackpad, press and hold with one finger, then drag to highlight the desired text.

    For touchscreens, tap and hold the text, then adjust the selection handles.

    On mobile devices, use your finger to tap and drag over the text.

    Step 2: Use the Keyboard Shortcut

    The next step is to utilize the designated keyboard shortcut, such as Alt-Underline, to apply the underlining effect in Windows 10.

    By simply holding down the Alt key on your keyboard and pressing the Underline key, you can swiftly underline selected text without having to navigate through multiple menus or options. This feature not only saves time but also enhances productivity by providing a quick and efficient way to format text as needed.

    Step 3: Use the Underline Button in the Formatting Toolbar

    Another method to underline text in Windows 10 is by utilizing the underline button present in the formatting toolbar of various applications.

    To locate the underline button within the formatting toolbar, you need to open the application where you want to apply the underline. Look at the top of the application window for the toolbar options, typically situated below the menu bar. Within this toolbar, you will find the various formatting options, including the underline button.

    To toggle the underline feature on and off effectively, simply select the text you wish to underline and then click on the underline button in the formatting toolbar. The selected text will be underlined. To remove the underline, select the underlined text and click the underline button again to deactivate the feature.

    Step 4: Use the Font Dialog Box

    For advanced underlining options, users can access the Font Dialog Box in Windows 10 settings to fine-tune the underlining feature according to their preferences.

    Within the Font Dialog Box in Windows 10 applications, users can customize various aspects of the underlining feature to enhance the overall visual appeal of their text. They can choose from different underline styles such as single, double, dotted, dashed, or wave-like underlines. Users have the flexibility to select different colors for the underlines, allowing for creative and eye-catching text formatting. The Font Dialog Box also enables users to adjust the thickness and transparency of the underlines, providing a personalized touch to their documents.

    How to Underline Multiple Lines or Paragraphs?

    In Windows 10, underlining multiple lines or paragraphs can be achieved by selecting the desired text sections and applying the Alt-Underline command.

    Efficient text selection is key to seamlessly underlining multiple lines or paragraphs in Windows 10 applications. To select a block of text, click at the beginning of the section, hold down the mouse button, and drag it to the end of the text while keeping the button pressed. Once the desired lines are highlighted, release the mouse button.

    After selecting the text, press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard and simultaneously press the U key to apply the underline formatting. This process offers a quick way to emphasize important information within various content layouts such as documents, emails, and webpages, enhancing readability and visual hierarchy.

    How to Remove Underline in Windows 10?

    To remove underlines in Windows 10, users can simply toggle off the underline feature using the designated keyboard shortcut or toggle switch in applications.

    When working with text in programs like Microsoft Word or Outlook, pressing Ctrl + U will remove the underline from selected text instantaneously. Alternatively, users can navigate to the ‘Font’ settings within the application and uncheck the underline option. This method allows for a more precise approach in managing underlines within documents.

    What are the Other Ways to Format Text in Windows 10?

    Apart from underlining, Windows 10 offers various text formatting options, such as bolding, italicizing, changing font styles, colors, creating lists, aligning text, and inserting hyperlinks.

    For instance, bolding text can be used to highlight important information or make headings stand out. It grabs the reader’s attention and emphasizes specific details.

    • Italicizing text, on the other hand, is commonly used for emphasis, quotes, or to denote titles of books, movies, or thoughts.
    • Changing font styles can be handy to create visual contrast or to match different sections of a document, providing a professional and polished appearance.

    Color changes can be utilized strategically to enhance readability or reinforce brand identity within documents or presentations.


    Bold formatting in Windows 10 allows users to emphasize text by making it visually prominent through thicker and darker characters.

    When using bold text in Windows 10, individuals can draw attention to crucial information, highlight key points, or even create aesthetically pleasing documents. For instance, in presentations, bolded phrases can help the audience focus on critical messages. In academic papers, utilizing bold formatting can aid readers in quickly identifying key aspects of the content. In email communication, emphasizing specific details using bold text can ensure that important information stands out. To effectively leverage this feature, it is recommended to use bold sparingly to maintain readability and avoid overwhelming the reader.


    Italicizing text in Windows 10 provides a slanted appearance to emphasize certain words or phrases within the content.

    This feature is commonly used in word processing applications, such as Microsoft Word, to add emphasis and readability to text. It is particularly useful when you want to draw attention to key points, titles, or quotations. Along with bold and underline options, italicizing text offers a subtle way to differentiate information and make it stand out visually.

    When composing an email or document, consider using italics to highlight technical terms, book titles, or foreign words. It can also be effective for introducing thoughts or dialogues in creative writing, enhancing the overall structure and flow of the text.

    Change Font Size and Style

    Changing font size and style in Windows 10 enables users to customize the appearance of text by adjusting the size and typeface according to their preferences.

    Modifying font sizes and styles in Windows 10 applications can significantly impact the way content is displayed, influencing both readability and aesthetics. By increasing the font size, users can make text more legible, particularly for those with visual impairments or for reading from a distance. Conversely, reducing the font size can help fit more content on the screen, especially useful when working on documents or spreadsheets with lots of information.

    Change Text Color

    Adjusting text color in Windows 10 allows users to enhance the visual appeal and convey additional meaning through color-coded text.

    By customizing text colors, users can significantly improve the visibility of content, making it easier to read and comprehend. For example, using bold and vibrant colors for important information can direct the attention of readers. Choosing contrasting colors for backgrounds and text can also enhance organizational structure and aid in clear differentiation of sections. In addition, utilizing colors to indicate status, priority levels, or task categories can help convey specific information effectively.

    Create Bulleted or Numbered Lists

    Creating bulleted or numbered lists in Windows 10 aids in structuring information, highlighting key points, and improving content readability.

    When crafting a bulleted list in Windows 10 applications, start by selecting the text you wish to format. Next, click on the ‘Bullets’ button in the toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl + Shift + L’ to create a bullet point. For a numbered list, follow the same initial steps but choose the ‘Numbering’ button.

    Lists help break down complex data into digestible chunks, making it easier for readers to grasp the main ideas. They also add visual appeal and organization to your content.

    Align Text

    Aligning text in Windows 10 enables users to adjust the horizontal positioning of text elements for better layout and visual presentation.

    When working with Windows 10 applications, users have a range of text alignment options to choose from, each serving a specific purpose. Left alignment, commonly used for English text, creates a clean and organized appearance, ideal for documents, emails, and websites. Center alignment, on the other hand, is great for emphasizing text or creating eye-catching titles. Right alignment is often chosen for languages like Arabic or Hebrew, where text flows from right to left. Justified alignment, where text is aligned on both the left and right sides, provides a polished and professional look, commonly used in newspapers and magazines.

    Insert Hyperlinks

    The insertion of hyperlinks in Windows 10 allows users to embed clickable links that direct readers to external web pages or resources.

    Adding hyperlinks within text content is a valuable way to enhance the user experience by providing easy access to additional information or sources. Hyperlinks can be inserted in various types of documents, such as Word files, emails, or websites. To create an effective hyperlink, users can highlight the text or image they want to link, right-click, select ‘Hyperlink’ option, and paste the URL. It’s important to use descriptive anchor text that gives a hint about the linked content. Best practices include avoiding broken links, ensuring the link opens in a new tab for better navigation, and periodically checking the validity of inserted hyperlinks.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How to Underline in Windows 10

    How do I underline text in Windows 10?

    To underline text in Windows 10, highlight the text you want to underline and press “Ctrl + U” on your keyboard. This will apply an underline to the selected text.

    How to Underline in Windows 10

    Can I change the color of the underline in Windows 10?

    Yes, you can change the color of the underline in Windows 10. Right-click on the underlined text and select “Font” from the menu. Then, choose a different color for the underline under the “Font color” section.

    How to Underline in Windows 10

    Is there a keyboard shortcut to quickly underline text in Windows 10?

    Yes, the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + U” can be used to quickly underline text in Windows 10. You can also use “Ctrl + Shift + U” to remove the underline.

    How to Underline in Windows 10

    Can I add an underline to a specific word or phrase in Windows 10?

    Yes, you can add an underline to a specific word or phrase in Windows 10 by highlighting the text and using the “Ctrl + U” keyboard shortcut. This will only underline the selected text.

    How to Underline in Windows 10

    Can I underline an entire paragraph in Windows 10?

    Yes, you can underline an entire paragraph in Windows 10 by highlighting the entire paragraph and using the “Ctrl + U” keyboard shortcut. This will apply an underline to the entire paragraph.

    How to Underline in Windows 10

    Why isn’t the underline working in Windows 10?

    If the underline is not working in Windows 10, try using the “Ctrl + U” keyboard shortcut instead of using the underline option in your formatting toolbar. This should fix any issues with the underline not working.

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